Better Solutions For Your Projects

Manage your Projects and resources in one app

Strucker Projects, our cloud-based project management software, helps you plan your projects, track work efficiently, and collaborate with your team, wherever they are.

Get work done on time, all the time!

Plan your project activities, assign work, manage resources and collaborate with your team like never before.

  • 01 Project Tracking

    Manage both simple and complex projects by breaking them down into milestones, tasklists, tasks, and subtasks.

  • Assign tasks to users, set work hours, and track them as they are finished. Set priority, add reminders, and enable recurrence if needed.

  • Strucker Projects helps you easily organize and work on files associated with a particular project.Share files with your team from a single place. You can also associate files with tasks, and organize them into hierarchical folders that mirror your structure and workflow. Enjoy complete control with total simplicity.


Team Collaboration

Staying updated with the latest in your project is now as easy as browsing your favorite social network

Task processes can be quite complex. They may involve multiple teams, require approval at different stages from specific people, and may need notifications to be sent out. Doing all this manually can be quite tiresome, and that's why we built Blueprints. Just sit back and let Strucker Projects take over the tedious work.


At Strucker Projects, we aim to provide every feature you need to do your best work. From essentials like Gantt charts and recurring tasks to thoughtful extras such as task workflows and automated notifications, you have it all right here..


Make the most of your collaboration software by holding your detailed discussions and lengthier posts on forums. Organize these topics into folders to keep tabs on important subjects.

Team Management

Add new tasks or bugs and schedule events right there in the calendar to keep everyone in the loop. Moreover, know who is unavailable on a particular day so you can plan work accordingly.

Task and Project Tracking

View all your work items in a single place so you know what's planned for the coming week or month.Manage both simple and complex projects by breaking them down into milestones, tasklists, tasks, and subtasks.

File and Resource Management

Zoho Projects automates key document processes such as revision tracking, access control and search and retrieval. All changes are displayed with notes, dates and author information. That way everyone is always working with the latest, most accurate version of every file.

Meet the Team

We’re a growing team of digital project management experts and thoughtful leaders — full of personality minus the ego. We’re the wearer of many hats dedicated to helping teams like yours grow.

Lennox Matwere

Chief Executive Officer

Valentine Muchoki

Product Manager

Neville Ghali


Kalina Aseyo


Contact us Today

Ready to turn your project into a success story? Contact us to get a customized solution for your teams's needs.


A108 Adam Street, New York, NY 535022


+1 5589 55488 55s

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